IHP ends its mission in Mozambique

Published: 2019-05-14

On 29 April IHP ended its support mission to OCHA /UNDAC in Mozambique after the current operations centre was moved from the airport at Beira to new locations in town.

The IHP support team consisted of personnel from several IHP members over a period of about six weeks (MSB, DEMA, CMC and DSB). The team was downscaled at the end of mission. The IHP team has worked well with UNDAC, MapAction, ECHO and others during the whole period and there has been good mutual cooperation and coordination between all parties during the operation.

The IHP team not only established the coordination facilities and infrastructure at the Beira airport, which was their main objective, but also helped carrying out assessments, established two small hubs in the field, facilitated entry and logistics for people and equipment arriving into the country, and in general carrying out any task that was necessary to ensure the best possible support to the affected population. During the last week of the mission the IHP team helped move and re-establishing the OCHA/UNDAC office in another location in town (as shown in these pictures).


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