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    Welcome to the International Humanitarian Partnership
  • camp west africa
    Welcome to the International Humanitarian Partnership
  • ihp image3
    Welcome to the International Humanitarian Partnership

IHP has the following priorities for the coming 1,5 years.

  1. Operations and services
    Responding to requested needs and to carry out operations is the essence of IHP and the basis for our very existence. The top priority for the Swedish IHP Chair is to ensure readiness to respond to major emergencies and humanitarian crises, for example through enhancing preparedness procecures, strong results orientation in the field and expand IHP's capacity to respond to complex and high-risk situations.

  2. Improved partnerships
    Climate changes and a new security paradigm are two major dimensions of the changing operational environment. We also see day-to-day changes in terms of evolving approaches to meet humanitarian needs, we witness an almost unbelievable speed of technical developments, and we meet new actors that enter the emergency response arena, changing the context in which we operate. To remain relevant, IHP needs to stay tuned in and to adapt in accordance with these changes. Therefore, one of the most important priorities of IHP is to stay tuned and in close dialogue with our UN partners as well as with the EU. The IHP is one of the partners that can come up with the solutions to overcome the challenges and to meet the changing needs.

  3. Improved preparedness and readiness through our membership cooperation
    The foundation of the IHP is that we are a hand-full of “like-minded” actors and countries. The combined capacity of IHP is a unique source for strong resource mobilization. We need to continue to build trust and understanding between each other. In that way we can continue to bring the best out of our combined capacity and strengths.
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